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Whether for a corporate event, a personal project, or a marketing campaign, T-shirts are a staple in the realm of personalized apparel. However, one of the most common questions that arise is: How much does it cost to print T-shirts? At Merchlist, we offer transparent pricing and a range of options to suit your budget and design needs.

T-Shirt Name Printing Price:

The cost of printing a name on a T-shirt can vary based on several factors, including the printing method, the number of shirts in your order, and the complexity of the design. Merchlist provides a straightforward pricing model that takes the guesswork out of the equation, with prices starting from 27 AED.

T-Shirt Printing Cost:

When considering the overall cost of T-shirt printing, you’ll need to account for the shirt itself, the design, and the quantity. At Merchlist, our T-shirt prices are competitively ranged from 27 to 37 AED, ensuring you get quality prints without overstretching your budget.

Low-Cost T-Shirt Printing:

For those looking to print T-shirts without a high price tag, Merchlist offers low-cost solutions. Our bulk printing options and a selection of budget-friendly apparel mean you don’t have to sacrifice quality for affordability. Discover our T-shirt categories to find the best option for your price range.

Custom T-Shirt Design Online:

Designing a custom T-shirt online can often reduce costs associated with traditional design consultations. Merchlist’s online design tool allows you to create your perfect T-shirt from the comfort of your home or office, further optimizing your budget.


The cost of printing T-shirts can fit into a wide range of budgets, and at Merchlist. We’re committed to providing options that balance cost with quality. Whether you’re looking for a one-off print or need a large batch for your next big event.We have the tools and options to support your goals. Visit Merchlist today to start your project with confidence, knowing exactly what you’ll get and how much it will cost.

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